
Blog Joomla! by BrainCode

Virtuemart 2.0 per joomla 1.7 e joomla 1.5

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Finalmente è arrivata la notizia che da tanto tempo stavamo aspettando.

Virtuemart, il componente di ecommerce per Joomla!, è stato finalmente rilasciato per la versione 1.7.

Da quello che si capisce, sembra essere molto più orientato al posizionamento nei motori di ricerca e arricchito di nuove funzionalità interessanti.

Non appena avremo modo di testarlo, pubblicherò un articolo. Nel frattempo vi consiglio di seguirci sui social network o tramite la nostra newsletter.

Vi faccio un elenco delle funzionalità (non ho avuto tempo di tradurle...):

Integrated in joomla 1.5 and joomla 1.7 with its advantages (articles, blog, forum, ...)

  • Uses joomla extensions
  • User based shopsystem
  • Template overrides (layouts, mails)

nested categories

  • with meta tags for seo
  • with description and media


  • pricing depending by shoppergroups
  • price display depending by shoppergroups
  • payment/shipment depending by shoppergroups


  • customizable shopper input form
  • input form depended on registration, checkout or shipment
  • completly anonymous checkout
  • Adressbook
  • default Bill-to and Ship-to address
  • default payment and shipment method
  • check of eu vat id (not working yet)


  • with meta tags for seo
  • short and long description
  • dimensions (weight, size)
  • multiple media
  • variants, attributes
  • stockable variants
  • unlimited child products and derivated levels
  • product pattern (Parent product used as pattern for child products)
  • related products


  • stocking/inventory
  • stock warning
  • virtual stock (ordered but not finally bought)


  • various type of prices to display depended by shoppergroup
  • prices adjusted by shopper choosen currency
  • different currency format per currency

real multi currency

  • auto updating rates
  • add your own currencies for fixed currency rates

manufacturer media handler

  • atm finished for images, will be used for downloadables, videos, pdf, programs, ...

default SEF/SEO integrated Product reviews and ratings dynamical calculator

  • discounts based on time, category, shoppergroup, country, and state
  • tax based on time, category, shoppergroup, country, and state
  • discounts, tax per product and/or order
  • discounts, tax have their own currencies (for duties)

multiple payment and shippings options

  • shipment payment methods are defined per vendor


  • guest checkout; completly anonymous checkout
  • option to register at begin of checkout
  • cart is an object, competly overridable by template
  • cart is stored in the session
  • 1 click checkout
  • multipage checkout
  • one page checkout (not by default)
  • SSL

order handling backend

  • Payment/shipment workflow
  • history
  • modifiable

order handling frontend

  • order tracking for anonymous users


  • sortable

template handling

  • different joomla templates by category
  • different category browse pages per category
  • different product display pages per category/product

product display configurable by

  • latest
  • topten (most sold)
  • newest
  • featured
  • sortable
  • searchable

multilanguage native with joomla 1.7 and with extra joomla components (joomfish) for joomla 1.5

marketing promotions and tools

  • coupon handling
  • recommend a product to friend link


  • hidden debugging tool
Francesco Borgianni
Author: Francesco Borgianni
Quando decidi di creare un sito web hai un unico obiettivo il meglio. Ma vuoi anche un prodotto semplice da usare. Ecco perché spesso per sviluppare un progetto si usa il CMS Joomla. Che, guarda caso, è la soluzione che scegliamo per i nostri lavori.

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